Building a cognizant mindset towards a more sustainable lifestyle


Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women

(Established by Govt. of Delhi vide Act 9 of 2012)


Team Eudamonia

Eudaimonia, working on SDGs 3 and 6, aims to analyse how human activities or specific products relate to issues of water scarcity and pollution, to see how activities and products can become more sustainable from a water perspective, and footprint to promote the reduction of water footprint at a personal level. Eudaimonia works on the campaign- BIN PAANI, SAB SOON

About the Campaign

The main aim of the campaign is to encourage and educate people about water and its importance and what will the world be without this precious gift of nature. With no water no life can persist.

Events Major Events Conducted by Team Eudaimonia

What's your Flow

The team discussed about Eudaimonia's aim, vision. Shared some tips with students for reducing their share of water footprint in various products on an individual level. We connected with about 50 students from the 14-15year old age group. The students were highly inquisitive to learn about water footprint, its effects and repercussions.

Luxurious Water

The webinar aimed to disseminate awareness about water footprint caused by the textile industry and how we have been contributing to it. Extended to nearly 600 students during the event. The participants were very vibrant and desirous for talking about the issue and showed their concern by actively participating.

Give for Good

The webinar aimed to disseminate awareness about water footprint caused by the textile industry and how we have been contributing to it. Extended to nearly 600 students during the event. The participants were very vibrant and desirous for talking about the issue and showed their concern by actively participating.